Tantan Coin Purchase Agreement

Thank you for using Tantan coin service.The Tantan Coin Purchase Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") is concluded between you and Tantan Cultural Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tantan").

I.Confirmation of Tantan Coin Purchase Agreement

  1. Before using Tantan coin service, please carefully read this Agreement and ensure that you fully understand all provisions of this Agreement.Please read this Agreement and decide with discretion whether to accept it.Unless you accept all provisions of this Agreement, you are not entitled to use Tantan coin service.If you use our service, you are deemed to have accepted this Agreement and agree to be subject to this Agreement.
  2. Tantan may update this Agreement at any time. New provisions shall supersede the original provisions upon announcement without a notice. You can open Tantan to read the latest provisions.After Tantan amends the Agreement, if you do not accept the amendment, you shall stop using Tantan coin service immediately. If you continue using Tantan coin service, you are deemed to have accepted the amendment.
  3. If you are a person without capacity for civil conduct or with limited capacity for civil conduct, you shall notify your guardian, read this Agreement under the guidance of your guardian, and use Tantan coin service with the consent of your guardian.

II.Definitions of Tantan Coin Service

  1. Tantan ID:It refers to an ID obtained in accordance with the User Agreement for you to log in to Tantan and use some of Tantan services.
  2. Tantan coin account (also referred to as "the account"):It refers to an account obtained after you log in to Tantan using your Tantan ID and accept this Agreement, and it is used to pay for virtual gifts on the Tantan platform.After you obtain a Tantan coin account, the Tantan ID shall be your account number.
  3. Products or services:Currently, it refers only to various virtual gift services on the Tantan platform, excluding value-added services, such as VIP membership, "People Who Liked Me", Super Like, and Super Exposure.
  4. Balance:It refers to an amount you pay to Tantan in advance for Tantan's products or services, which can offset the consideration for Tantan's products or services.
  5. Identity elements:It refers to elements to recognize your identity, including but not limited to your Tantan ID, mobile phone number, Tantan coin account, SMS verification code, and ID card number.
  6. Tantan:Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, it refers to "Tantan" mobile application.
  7. Competent authorities:It refers to the organizations that are entitled to check, freeze, or deduct funds, including but not limited to public security authorities, procuratorate, court, customs, and taxation authorities.
  8. Freeze:It refers to the Freeze operation upon request of the competent authorities.You cannot use the frozen balance to pay or give gifts and cannot log in to or use frozen accounts.
  9. Restrict:Your Tantan coin account is not frozen, but all or some functions are unavailable and the balance cannot be used.
  10. Stop payment:It is a restriction measure, which forbids you to use your Tantan coin account balance to, for example, pay or give gifts.

III.Tantan Coin Service

  1. Purchase: To purchase Tantan's products or services at any time in the future, you may use a bank card or third-party platform to buy Tantan coins.
  2. Payment: You can use the balance in your Tantan coin account to offset the consideration paid to Tantan for its products or services at any time in the future.After payment succeeds, the corresponding amount is deducted from the balance in your Tantan coin account.

IV.Registration and Use of Tantan Coin Account


After you register and activate your Tantan ID, you can use some of Tantan's services. You can also use Tantan coin service after your further application is verified.Follow the prompts displayed during verification.


Identity elements constitute a basis for Tantan to recognize your identity. You must properly keep them.Any operations performed and directives sent by using your identity elements are deemed to have been performed and sent by you.If your account, password, and other information is assumed, stolen, or used without authorization because of you, you shall bear all risks, liabilities, losses, and expenses incurred.You agree to:

  1. Based on different terminals and user habits, Tantan may verify your identity by using different verification measures.For example, if you log in to your Tantan coin account for the first time on a new device, Tantan may verify your identity through a combination of password and check code.
  2. To ensure security of the account balance, ensure that the passwords for your mobile phone and other devices are different from the passwords for Tantan ID and Tantan coin account.If you find the password for your Tantan ID or Tantan coin account assumed or stolen, or if your mobile phone or other devices are lost, notify Tantan immediately.
  3. Tantan ID and Tantan coin account can be used only by you and cannot be transferred, lent, given, or inherited, but property rights and interests in your Tantan coin account can be inherited according to law.
  4. For security of operation and transactions, Tantan may stop or restrict some of Tantan's functions or add new functions.

V.Note to Use of Tantan Coin Service

1.Identity verification

When you use Tantan coin service, especially when you buy or pay a large amount of Tantan coins, to protect your legitimate rights and interests and ensure that your behaviors conform with national laws and regulations, Tantan has the right to request your legal, authentic, valid, and complete materials (including but not limited to your ID card, bound bank card(s), bound and verified payment account(s) on third-party platform(s), household register, passport, business license, account opening license, contact information, occupation, and address) to authenticate your identity.To promptly and effectively verify your information (including but not limited to identity and bank account information), as required by laws and regulations or when Tantan considers it necessary, you agree that Tantan may offer your information to a third party and that a third party may offer your information to Tantan for verification by Tantan.You shall ensure that your Tantan ID and the email address, mobile phone number, and payment accounts on third-party payment platforms bound to your Tantan ID are legally owned by you.

2.Under any of the following circumstances, Tantan stops payment through your Tantan coin account or balance and has the right to restrict your use of products or services:

  1. You violate this Agreement, the User Agreement, and user behavior specifications.
  2. Laws and regulations or legal instruments require Tantan to do so.
  3. The competent authorities require Tantan to do so.
  4. Operations under your Tantan coin account or the balance flow is abnormal; your Tantan coin account may cause risks.
  5. Others lodge a complaint against you with evidence.
  6. You may have incorrectly operated or had others' Tantan IDs or Tantan coin accounts verified.

Except under the second and third circumstances above, to apply for service recovery and cancellation of payment stop or restriction, you shall provide Tantan with materials and identity certificates for Tantan to check.

If Tantan freezes your Tantan ID or Tantan coin account permanently under the first, second, or third circumstance above, you may request a refund on the "Feedback and Suggestions" page. However, if you violate laws, Tantan will not refund.

VI. Tantan Coin Service Rules

  1. You acknowledge that Tantan system records shall prevail in regard to the history of use of the balance in your Tantan coin account and transaction data.If you disagree with such data, you may promptly submit your disagreement to Tantan and present evidence to Tantan.
  2. The conversion ratio of Tantan coins to RMB displayed on the Tantan coin purchase page shall prevail.Tantan has the right to change the conversion ratio based on the state of operation and display the ratio on the Tantan coin purchase page.
  3. During use of Tantan coin service, provisions of this Agreement, operation prompts displayed on Tantan UI, or messages sent to your mobile phone by Tantan are rules for use of Tantan coin service.
  4. Tantan sends you notices in forms of platform announcement, email, SMS message, phone call, internal message, or client notice to, for example, notify you that Tantan coins are purchased successfully or inform you of the progress of deduction, or remind you to perform relevant operations. You shall pay attention to the notices.
  5. You shall solely bear the risk of currency depreciation during use of Tantan coin service.

VII.Commitment to Legal Use of Tantan Coin Service

  1. You shall comply with laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China as well as laws and regulations of countries or regions where you reside or run business operations or offer other services. You must not use Tantan coin service for any illegal purposes (including laundering and other illegal activities) or use Tantan coin service in any illegal manners.
  2. You shall not use Tantan coin service to infringe others' legitimate rights and interests. Otherwise, Tantan has the right to investigate, delay settlement, or refuse to provide Tantan coin service. You shall assume all legal liabilities and compensate Tantan or others for losses incurred.
  3. Items 1 and 2 above apply to, including without limitation, the following scenarios:
    1. Infringe legitimate rights and interests of others, such as reputation right, privacy right, trade secrets, trademark right, copyright, and patent right.
    2. Violate the confidentiality obligation as required by laws or as agreed
    3. Use Tantan coin service in names of others.
    4. Engage in illegal transactions, such as laundering, terrorist financing, selling guns, drugs, illicit drugs, pirated software, pornography, and other items that cannot be traded by using Tantan coin service according to Tantan.
    5. Provide gambling information or induce others to gamble in any manners.
    6. Engage in any activities that may damage the Tantan coin service system or data.
  4. You understand that Tantan coin service depends on precise running and operation of the system.In the event of display errors caused by system errors, failures or other reasons, or improper profiting by you or Tantan, you agree that Tantan may take corrective measures, such as error correction and amount deduction.
  5. If you damage rights and interests of other users or third parties by purchasing services with payment by others or otherwise in violation of rules, you shall not request compensation or indemnification from Tantan, and Tantan reserves the right to freeze the account balance, suspend or terminate your right to use purchase services, and disable your account.If Tantan has reason to believe that your Tantan coin account or use thereof involves illegal purchases, cheating, or exceptions, Tantan has the right to forbid you to continue using Tantan coins and to freeze or disable your account in accordance with this Agreement, the User Agreement, and specifications.

VIII.Once Tantan coins are purchased successfully, unless explicitly required by laws, in no case may you convert them into legal currencies or transfer them to others.Trading Tantan coins with other users constitutes a breach of this Agreement. Tantan has the right to take appropriate measures without a notice to ensure that Tantan does not provide users violating rules with any services for Tantan coin trading.Tantan coins cannot be withdrawn.

IX. Protection of Rights, Interests, and Privacy

1.Security of account balance

Tantan always attaches importance to the security of user account balance. It strictly separates its self-owned funds from the user account balance and promises not to embezzle or occupy the user account balance.If losses are incurred on your account balance during use of Tantan coin service because your Tantan coin account or password is assumed, with the consent of Tantan, you may authorize Tantan to claim compensation against liable third parties or compensation organizations on behalf of you.

2.Protection of User Rights, Interests, and Privacy

Tantan values protection of your legitimate rights and interests as well as privacy.You identity information and other specific information are protected and specified by the User Agreement. Tantan promises to guarantee your legitimate rights and interests in accordance with Tantan's User Agreement and this Agreement.

X.Force Majeure and Disclaimer

Tantan shall not be held responsible if Tantan fails to provide services for the following reasons:

  1. Tantan system is shut down for maintenance or upgrading.
  2. Force majeure events, such as typhoon, earthquake, flood, thunderbolt, or terrorist attack.
  3. Hardware, software, communication lines, or power supply lines of users' mobile phones or other mobile terminals are faulty.
  4. Users misoperate or use Tantan coin service by means not authorized or recognized by Tantan.
  5. Virus, Trojan, malicious program attacks, network congestion, instable system, system or device failures, communication failures, power supply failures, bank reasons, third-party service flaws, or government actions.
  6. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tantan will actively take reasonable measures to recover services.

XI.Entire Agreement

Matters covered by the User Agreement and rules published by Tantan from time to time but not covered by this Agreement shall be subject to the aforesaid agreement and rules.If any provisions of this Agreement are held to be illegal or invalid by the court with jurisdiction, the effect and force of the remaining provisions shall not be affected.

XII. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

  1. The intellectual property rights in the systems owned by Tantan and its affiliates and all data on the Tantan platform, including but not limited to works, pictures, archives, messages, materials, website architecture, website UI layout, and webpage design, shall be owned by Tantan and its affiliates according to law, including but not limited to trademark right, patent right, copyright right, and trade secrets.
  2. Without the written consent of Tantan or its affiliates, no one can use, modify, reversely compile, copy, disseminate, change, spread, publish, or make public programs or content of Tantan's website.
  3. You are obliged to respect intellectual property rights. In the event of violation, you shall compensate according to law.

XIII.Governing Law

Effect, interpretation, change and enforcement of as well as dispute resolution relating to this Agreement shall be governed by laws of the People's Republic of China.Disputes arising from this Agreement shall be handled in accordance with laws of the People's Republic of China and be governed by the people's court at the place where Tantan is located.